Petition for bTB public enquiry


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Link to PETITION –



Brian May: Petition for public enquiry into bTB and Badger Cull Policy 13/09/2019

Hi Folks 

I’ve been silent for a little while because I’ve been recovering from a long tour, when I woke up this morning and felt sick and felt that I had to communicate the news was that apparently, government ministers have licensed 11 more badger culls.

This means that probably up to 64 thousand animals will be killed this autumn to add to those who have already been slaughtered.  This is an appallingly wasteful and disgracefully inhumane decision.  We know now, we have so much evidence to show that the badger cull is not working, plus we have evidence that we have ways to control and eradicate bovine TB without killing any wildlife. because it’s not from the badgers.  It’s all in the herd. 

We’ve been working for a number of years now with a farmer, a great farmer in Gatcombe in the South-west and in three years we’ve turned that farm from a chronically infected TB hotspot into a TB-free farm.  That was done without killing any wildlife.  It was done by our amazing vet strategy – the new Gatcombe strategy, which deals with the transmission of the TB organism within the herd.

We’ve discovered the TB organism infects breeding places, the birthing places it infects massively. The slurry in the slurry pits it’s pumped out onto the land.  It appears in drinking troughs.  None of it is to do with the badgers.

So what we did was we approached, I would say Dick [Sibley] approached, all these areas, cut off the routes of infection and the result is a TB-free farm.

This is the way it should be done.

Now if there is any doubt whatsoever that a badger cull, killing hundreds of thousands of badgers will not work, surely nobody could licence more of it.  It’s almost unthinkable.

Lord Krebs has called the decision to cull insane.  Lord Krebs – he’s one of the greatest experts on bTB in the world.

Charles Godfrey recently was the Chairman of an independent review, which delivered a report to Michael Gove which said too much attention is being paid to transmission from badgers.  Much more should be paid to transmission within the herds.

This has all been ignored.  That report hasn’t even yet been answered by the Government, but somehow in this period of total chaos anyway, they have licensed new badger culls.

I find it incredible.

We will fight.  We will ask for a Judicial Review. We will ask for a public inquiry and we ask you to help us.

Those badgers have been with us since we came to these islands.  They’ve been here since the Ice Age.  These magnificent creatures deserve a life as much as we do.  We cannot go on with this insanity.  It doesn’t work.  It’s inhumane.  It’s not cost-effective and basically, it should be history.

History will show that all these people who are licensing badger culls are guilty of a wildlife crime of an unimaginable scale, as Rosie Woodroffe said.

Please help us stop this insane killing of our native wild animals, to pursue a course, which will not help farmers in any way.

Bri X
