I’m always reluctant to post ANYTHING on this day of the year. But I was touched by all your lovely tributes, dear folks – and this post from Jasminka [IG @stereojazz3D] reminded me that I wrote this song (No-One But You) for Freddie on a rainy day when we unveiled the statue in Montreux, and I was flooded with unwelcome emotions – like anger that this was all that was left of my friend. But of course, there is a whole lot besides that is left – a rainbow of songs and recordings of a voice that seems in retrospect too pure to be of this world. I guess you WERE Made in Heaven, dear Freddie. I hope you’re dancin’ up there tonight. Thanks, Jasminka

Remembering … not sure whom to credit with this shot – but the moment seems even more real if you look below for the nice stereo conversion by @bluepringblues – first parallel view – then cross-eyed.
And today ? Well, it’s a sad day, but we can rejoice that Freddie lived every day to the max. Let’s do the same.
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