Whooooah !! You know I’d much prefer to see these horrible advertising monstrosities banished from our landscape. But, selfishly, gotta admit it’s a buzz to see this ! It’s a moment ! Spookily, this clip was actually taken by Emma Donoghue !! Why is that significant ? Because she took the original photo that forms the front cover of our album !! OK – I’ll also admit to editing it a little to fit it for the purpose ! Thanks Folks for making us Number 1 on iTunes this morning !!
Quick !!! Not too late to get this lovely track in your sights and in your cache of great tracks. DANCIN’ In the RAIN.
What The Hell Is SLINK ? ! A lot of you folks have asked. So here’s what it is. Like all the best ideas, it’s gloriously simple. You know how annoying Instagram is, not letting you put any links into your posts? The only place you can put a link is in your bio, right? Well if you put your personal SLINK there, all your problems are over !! When your people click on it, they immediately see a range of all the links and stuff you want them to know about. All immediately clickable. Wanna try ? Wanna get your own SLINK ? Go Slink !!! Go now !! And thanks to Talia Dean for hooking me up with this innovation !