Happy Birthday Deacy !!! – Rosie Bennet


John Deacon by NENU ARTS

Happy Birthday Deacy !!!

And thanks for this beautiful portrait of him NENU ARTS

This little clip has had me fascinated for months now. And today I met its creator Rosie Bennet for the first time – virtually – by Zoom. It was an interview for her podcast series – ‘Fret Not’ – which will appear soon. I’ll post a link if I can. We talked about making music, and how it makes us feel, and how we communicate it, and the nature of perfection versus spontaneity … and lots of other stuff. This clip is a great example to me. Rosie will tell you, I’m sure, that she could play it better, but to me this clip is wonderful in the joy and lightness it communicates. The Magic of Music at its best. Notice you can shut your eyes and still enjoy listening to this clip. But listen again with your eyes open and watch how her face and body give every note extra meaning – and make the whole piece tell us a delightful story. Enjoy !!! Check out her inspiring IG output @rosiebennetguitar – I do every day.

