THRILLED !!! To finally be able to announce …. The brand new massively updated edition of our much-loved BANG! – ingeniously titled “BANG!!” Is released today !
The subtitle is, as ever, suitable modest – “ The Complete History of the Universe” – and this, in strict chronological order (not order of discovery) is what you get.
Our first edition was born of a never-to-be-forgotten collaboration between (now Professor) Chris Lintott and myself with our sadly missed adopted uncle – Sir Patrick Moore. It seems like a lifetime ago.
This edition has had the benefit of a new look at everything, but especially at exoplanets and the evolution of stellar planetary systems. The brilliantly talented Dr Hannah Wakeford joined our team to bring in all the latest discoveries in these areas – which are MANY and quite shocking !
To add to the excitement – this edition is MUCH more affordable – a paperback – smaller in stature but mighty in content ! Hoping this will inspire a whole new generation of young astronomers – as we were inspired by Patrick’s books when we were kids. Enjoy ! BANG !!!
Had to pause today [27 Oct] – not to smell a rose, but to appreciate a small copse of extraordinary mushrooms. So extraordinary I decided to bring one home ! There were lots of them in this field so I didn’t feel I was compromising this fungal hero. It’s big and strong and looks exactly like a parasol. One of the apps I tried identified it as a “Parasol – a species of Macrolepiota (toxic) – so I will be treating it with respect and definitely not trying to eat it. But what a beauty ! Not sure about the identification … maybe I’m missing a treat ! But eating any mushroom you find in the wild is a huge risk unless you are an expert. Any comments welcome !