Message from Greg Brooks (Queen Archivist)
“To all Queen fans… Can you help? We are currently gathering together all the images we know to exist of Queen in 3-D, spanning the period 1970-1991: the Freddie Queen Years.
It can be images of the band on stage, or off stage, at work or play. There are no firm plans for any particular project yet, just some early ideas for a high-tech type gadget (if we can make it work). This is a subject close to Brian’s heart, as you know, and he’s interested to learn if anyone else thought to shoot Queen in 3-D back in the day, or if it was only him. We’d like to assess the extent of 3-D images out there and gather as many as we can.
If you have anything that might be of interest, or you have any leads we could follow up, please email us at: Thanks. Greg B”
Brian adds a PS: “We’re not really looking for conversions – unless there is a very special reason to include one.”