25 January 2015 by Andy Smart

SO, the big question is … what would Freddie have made of Adam Lambert?
I reckon he would have liked the fresh-faced kid. He’s got the beautiful looks, the ear-rings, the tatts, the studded black leather gear, the camp confidence, the swaggering ego – and the voice is pretty good too!
Okay, he looks like a grandson visiting the old folks but, complementing rather than competing with the fire and passion of those two white-haired rock giants, he stands tall and proud. Here is a guy who is living the dream. Catapulted into the spotlight with rock royalty and clearly relishing every ear-crushing chord of it. And he had to be especially good as Freddie’s Mum was in the house and, at Brian May’s beckoning, took a bow to rapturous applause and a thousand flash bulbs. A
dam is the American discovery chosen to replace Paul Rodgers, Freddie’s first touring substitute. Rodgers is one of the great rock singers, but Lambert is undoubtedly a better fit for the theatre and showmanship Queen’s persona demands. He has to strut his stuff alongside May and Roger Taylor and shine in front of the most fantastic light show I have ever seen.
Lasers pierced the air, a huge screen in the shape of a Q projected 50 feet high images of the guys in action, a circle of beams descended over the stage as Roger Taylor was raised on high. It was beyond spectacular.
The hits rolled out, one after the other, in a seamless and instantly recognisable set list. Highlights for me were the opening One Vision which simply took my breath away, Love Of My Life with on-screen Freddie joining the act, and he was brought back again to share Bohemian Rhapsody with his young devotee. The encore brought the crowd to fever pitch. We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions … what else could it have been?
Queen are very much at the veteran stage now, but with the outstanding Adam Lambert to keep them young, they still have a kind of magic.