1. Queen – 28.28%
2. a-ha – 25.79%
3. Slipknot – 15.95%
4. System of a Down – 11.52%
5. Rihanna – 8.82%
6. Metallica – 6.72%
7. Elton John – 2.92%
1 October 2015
Queen + Adam Lambert was best show of the Rock in Rio for readers
A-ha, Slipknot, System of a Down and Rihanna round out the top 5 in poll
Attractions were chosen by the G1 readers vote; see list.
The show Queen with Adam Lambert was the best of Rock in Rio, according to readers of the G1. The band closed the first day of the festival got 28.28% of votes, ahead of Norwegian trio a-ha, with 25.79% and the American group Slipknot, with 15.95%.
The vote had as options Top-rated attractions in each of the seven polls conducted shortly after the days of Rock in Rio: 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26 and 27 September.
System of a Down (11.52%), Rihanna (8.82%), Metallica (6.72%) and Elton John (2.92%) complete the list. Below the top 7 of the best shows of the Rock in River.