Raffle of Flash Gordon – Der Tyrann von Mongo – 1937-1941


News from German Queen Fan Club:

The second part of the German version of the Flash Gordon comics by Alex Raymond is out.

Flash Gordon – Der Tyrann Von Mongo – 1937-1941

Raffle - Flash Gordon
Two copies for Raffle !!

We’re happy to offer a raffle for two copies of this extraordinary book on our website at:


We’ve published a special page with all info and example pages of this restaurated and new translated comic at: www.queenfcg.de/sonderseiten/3545-flash-gordon-der-tyrann-von-mongo-1937-1941

lash Gordon - Tyrann von Mongo 1937-1941 front cover
Front cover

Wishing you a wonderful Advent season.

German Queen Fan Club