We Will Rock You – MPT Bucket Collection Heroes


Liz and Louise Flannagan MPT Collectors

These two new MPT heroes are Liz and Louise Flannagan, they generously gave up their time last Saturday at the Grand Opera House in York and helped collect £443.64! Thanks to all who donated, we hope you had a rockin’ time too!

Our MPT next collection will be Stoke-On-Trent on Saturday 12th March at The Regent Theatre.

Full We Will Rock You UK Tour Dates can be found @ www.queenonline.com/wwry/uk_tour

If you are interested in helping out and want more details please contact Maureen Barclay at maureen.barclay@hotmail.com or on 07478 171017.

You can donate to the MPT at any time @ http://mercuryphoenixtrust.com/donate