Racing Extinction – and – NHS fighting for its life
RACING EXTINCTION will shock you to the core. And just MAYBE save the planet Earth.…
Save this little girl
Save this little girl. CHANGE.ORG – Allow the NHS to give Abi Longfellow her life-saving…
Charlotte Church speaking up
Charlotte is out there courageously speaking up. I’d say she speaks for Common Decency. ;
Common Decency: flyers, Brand, animals, NHS & Cameron
Think of an idea today to get someone to vote who otherwise might not. And…
Queen backs National Health Action Party
NATIONAL HEALTH ACTION PARTY 6 April 2015 Two members of rock legend Queen have independently…
How to cut Hospital Beds ?
They really spent 10 MILLION pounds on this report ? … on how to…
Let’s talk about the The National Health Service !
Cameron’s devious manipulation of mortality figures to make his 24/7 NHS election What is a…
NHS: Who Gets All the Cash?
Who gets all the cash? No comment needed. Bri
Our Country Is Rotten
Some of you are wondering why, on the day that the appalling atrocities of Cameron’s…
NHS Protest
Guys from Doncaster protesting destruction of NHS by Cameron. They are RIGHT. BBC shamefully not…