Secret Sessions
Check this out, folks ! Some great stuff here. Faulkner … Pearl … check out…
More horrors. Senseless slaughter in Wales
[Referring to article DAILY MAIL Children watch in horror as marksmen round up escaped cows…
Help !! Time is running out for badgers…
Rumours are that the Welsh Assembly Government are going to rush into an early debate…
Japan cruelly hit
I woke up from a long sleep, brought on by exhaustion, and turned on the…
Death for Welsh badgers – by a smiling Elin Jones
The Welsh Minister for Rural affairs has pronounced a sentence of death on Welsh Badgers…
BBC condones a return to wild animal skins in fashion
[See also in LETTERS “BBC LOOKING FOR A FIGHT] What is wrong with the BBC…
Brian May will be given Eddy Christiani Award 2011
PRESS RELEASE: On 23 April 2011, Brian May, one of the greatest rock stars of…
Wetnose Awards
I was hugely happy and proud to present an award to Virginia McKenna at the…
Snares will continue to torture wildlife in Scotland
In Scotland last week, hopes for an immediate end to the hideously cruel practice of…
Fox at The Shard
Refers to reader letter HERE I’m thrilled to hear this, Helena … it’s the news…