Please email your MP and ask him or her to support this NOW!!
“That this House recognises that there have been concerns about the current pilot badger cull; notes the mixed evidence from similar schemes abroad; further notes that the response from the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to Questions tabled by the hon. Member for St Albans on 19 June 2013 stated that after culling in the pilot areas has finished in 2013, the results will be evaluated and a decision taken on wider roll-out and a decision is expected to be made in early 2014 and will be reported to Parliament; and calls on the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to bring this matter before the House before any decision on a wider roll-out of a pilot badger cull is taken and that such a matter should be subject to a vote of the House.”
Please email your MP and ask him or her to support this NOW – this is important – post and share