Brian visited Torquay this evening as part of his Common Decency campaign and met up with Lib Dem candidate for Torbay, Adrian Sanders. Brian spoke to the press about his support for Adrian, Common Decency and his “colourblindness” with regards to political parties. Photos by Gary Taylor.

17 April 2015

Check out Torbay Herald PICTURE GALLERY and VIDEOS of visit HERE
QUEEN guitarist Brian May implored the public of Torbay to make their vote count when he visited the English Riviera to throw his support behind Adrian Sanders. The rock legend stopped off outside the Pavilion on Torquay seafront to tell supporters that if they want to avoid the return of blood sports then they should vote for Mr Sanders.
Brian said: “Adrian is against the badger cull and we think that the cull is wasteful, cruel, and immoral and will never work. He has spoken against the return of blood sports and to me that is the most horrendous prospect. Please don’t let it happen. It will destroy and decimate the wildlife and we need to not let it happen.”
Brian, who has long been an animal rights supporter, founded ‘Save Me‘, an animal welfare organisation that campaigns against fox hunting and badger culling.
Mr Sanders added: “We have come together on badger issues. I am a long standing supporter of a number of animal welfare issues. On the badger issue, here in Devon, the biggest dairy county in the country, where bovine TB is a big issue, our hearts go out to those farmers affected, but to get it right, you need scientific backed action. You don’t do things that don’t have the evidence and if you do that, you will decimate the badger population. If this government get back in with a majority, then they will roll out a badger cull across the country.” He added that if anything, the animal rights legislation should be strengthened, with the banning of snares and the shooting of birds issues that he wanted to tackle.
They then travelled to visit the the Woodend Project in Watcombe, which is run by dedicated volunteers and has seen the rescue of local woodland and wildlife, including two Badger setts and a family of foxes.
Brian also said that it was absolutely vital that they made sure that voted in the General Election on May 7.
He said: “At the election every vote counts. I could be on the beach spending my money, but I am here campaigning for a decent parliament. It is vital that people vote. If you do not vote then the government will not listen to you. What we trying to do is reform the whole picture. I feel angry because over the last five years we have had no say in the running of the country. People have signed petitions for very worthy issues like stopping the badger cull. We have had debates in the House of Commons and we have had votes where we have won against the government, but they pay no attention whatsoever. We need to get a bunch of decent MPs together, like Adrian. It is about decency. It is about reform. Adrian I have worked with for five years now and he is a real nice guy. He is his own man and if he feels something in his heart is worth fighting for, then he will do it.”
Adrian added: “It is great that Brian took the trouble to come here and encourage people.”
In March 2015 Brian launched the “Common Decency” campaign, naming Adrian Sanders alongside six other candidates, saying: “We think you’re decent people, we think you represent your constituents and your conscience so we’re going to tell our people to try and cluster round and give you support.”