Animalisti Italiani and Brian May join forces to give a voice to the animal world


Padua, 25th June 2016

During the last date of the Queen + Adam Lambert European tour in Piazzola sul Brenta,  Brian May took time to meet, before the show, some volunteers representing the charity association Animalisti Italiani Onlus.

The association presented the legendary Queen guitarist, astrophysicist and scientist with the Animalisti Italiani t-shirt as a sign of their common efforts and total commitment  in defense of the animal world.

Dr May, who has been supporting the animal rights cause for years, underlines the importance of joining forces worldwide to raise awareness and give a voice to those unable to defend themselves.

Brian congratulated the charity association on their hard work and he was impressed by their multiple initiatives including the petition campaign to stop the EU funding bullfighting, which was delivered in person by the Animalisti Italiani volunteers prior to the show, and their annual concert event Animal Aid Live (next one scheduled in Rome on 25th September). A small but significant step to continue our journey while feeling most honoured to be sharing these important battles with Brian May.

Il Presidente Animalisti Italiani Onlus – Walter CAPORALE
Il Vice Presidente – Pier Paolo Cirillo

Twitter: @Animalistiitaly