To celebrate the 10th birthday of the London Stereoscopic Company – a summer competition, open to anyone in the galaxy.
We would like you to re-stage, in side-by-side 3-D, one of the paintings which was turned into a stereo-card in the Victorian era and that you will find in our book: The Poor Man’s Picture Gallery. (It has to be one of the paintings from the book.)
If you haven’t got that book yet we are selling it from 1 June to 15 July for £20 only (plus postage) ! All you need is to go to our online shop and enter the code lsc10th. (lower case)
Note: This offer applies to the Standard Edition of the book only. – BUY THE BOOK ON SUMMER OFFER
Each participant can enter up to FIVE PICTURES to be sent to the following email address, denis@londonstereo.com, with the header LSC 10TH COMPETITION. We will also need a full name and a full postal address.
If you haven’t got a 3-D camera, you can use your phone, or any other digital camera, to create the stereoscopic pair and send us the two separate pictures. We will turn them into a stereo-card for you.
Every single painting in the book can be used WITH THE EXCEPTION of the Chatterton one which serves as our example picture (top: the original painting by Henry Wallis; middle: Michael Burr’s re-staging of the painting around 1860; bottom: modern re-staging with a model who looks strangely familiar).
You can keep very close to the painting or let your imagination loose and create a spoof. You can use live models, paper cut outs, dummies, dolls, anything you want as long as the painting is recognisable. You don’t have to use period costume (but if you want to, please go ahead) and modern clothes are accepted.
The winner will get a signed deluxe version of The Poor Man’s Picture Gallery book (worth £199); the authors of the three best pictures will be invited to one of Denis Pellerin and Dr. Brian May’s talks; the creators of the five best pictures will get a signed set of The Poor Man’s Picture Gallery stereocards. The 24 best pictures will feature in our September Stereo Gallery.
The competition starts on June 1 and will end on July 15. That should leave you enough time to buy the book, if necessary, and get your picture(s) ready. Tell your friends, spread the word, have fun, and best of luck !
Denis Pellerin
Director of The London Stereoscopic Company