… and meet Brian May

20 September 2019 by Lauren Nicolle
Local dads’ street dance crew, Outta Puff Daddys, took over some of Brighton’s most iconic landmarks last weekend to raise awareness for Prostate Cancer UK.
The dad dancers started their performance at The Grand Brighton, filming within the hotel’s entrance, lobby, lifts and a room. Whilst filming, the group were met by Queen’s Brian May (Sat 14 Sept 2019) who praised the group on their support of prostate cancer awareness. May, 72, has previously had a prostate cancer scare but got the all-clear in 2014.
The group of dads, ranging in age from mid-30s to mid-50s, continued to perform for guests staying at the luxury seafront hotel, playing lobby’s grand piano before making their way to the Palace Pier.
Founded in 2012, the Outta Puff Daddys have since performed annually within the ‘Straight Up’ festival at the Brighton Dome, at various public events, appeared on BBC Breakfast and are due to be dancing live on BBC Breakfast on Monday 14 October from Mike Bushell’s Strictly Come Dancing rehearsal room if the national presenter is still in the competition running.
To support Prostate Cancer, share your own dance moves on social media using the hashtags #MenWeAreWithYou and #GettinJiggyWithIt and donate to prostatecanceruk.org.
To keep updated with these dancing dads, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at: @OuttaPuffDaddys