Brian May ‘Hammer To Fall’ challenge – LSwFF All Star Band


Rising to Brian May’s challenge to play ‘Hammer To Fall’, while the world is on lockdown – an All-Star line-up of amazing musicians – as LSwFF ALL STAR band. Some you may just know (see list below) – got together and have produced this wonderful, EXCITING version of Brian’s classic.

Check it out HERE:   – ENJOY !!  Just the tonic we all need right now.

LSwFF ALL STAR band Brian May Hammer To Fall Challenge

Says Jason McNamara – LSwFF:

The Brian May challenge has been accepted by a Goliath sized ALL STAR lineup. presents Hammer To Fall.
From the very disturbed mind of Jason McNamara: @jasonvideomusictokyo

Thank you soooooooo much to the talents, time of our friends around the world.
Tune in on this channel to “LIVE Streams with Famous Friends”. You can find the schedule on

Please follow ALL of these wonderful people on Instagram who gave their time in the name of giving you all some entertainment and comic relief during this toughest of times that have fallen upon us.  Please be vigilant & stay safe.

Marco Minnemann: @marcominnemann
Alex Skolnick: @alexskolnick
Stu Hamm: @stueybass
Jeff Scott Soto: @jeffscottsotoofficial
Ron Bumblefoot Thal: @bumblefoot
Debby Holiday: @debbyholiday
James Lomenzo @bassmonsterr
Kenny Aronoff: @kennyaronoff
Cameron Brown: @cammybee1
Justin Murphy: @durtymurphy
Simon Croft: @croft_simon

Sound masterfully mixed by: Jay Hannon: @jay7over8
and of course our class clown Arejay Hale: @arejayhale

Facebook “page”:

Edited by Jason McNamara the bald Aussie Dreamer in this video.

SIMON CROFT (We Will Rock You Tour) said:

“Enjoy this folks, my banana solo didn’t make the final cut but it was fantastic to be in such esteemed and talented company.”