This me … in my mind this morning

Brian May in cloak with light sabre
Brian May with light sabre © marilynartistyk

I’ve put a lot of passion and work into preparing this little adventure … but this is not easy for an old soldier like me. In fact it’s probably one of the most challenging things I’ve taken on for a long time. I felt very dissatisfied with what I came up with at last night’s dress rehearsal – so doing a lot of rethinking today while we all wait for showtime to come around. Why do I spend all these precious days away from home ? Pursuing … what ? And self-doubt rears its scary head to the point where I wonder who the Hell I think I am. These are the kind of thoughts which beset performers, probably especially at my time of life. This is the inner reality. But I’m also conscious I’m incredibly lucky to have an opportunity like this – to work in a completely unfamiliar environment with an extraordinarily talented man with his highly skilled team. Among it all I’m very grateful.

OK — light sabre at the ready — once more into the brink, dear folks. !!!!

(and thanks dear old pal @marilynartistyk for this fabulous visualisation !!!

Thanks Nenu – this all helps my confidence ! 🙂

Starmus Earth - spaceman Bri

THANKS Dawn, @dakotadawnstereos — appreciating the support out here in BRATISLAVA !

Starmus Eerth Bri by Dawn - @dakotadawnstereos
by @dakotadawnstereos

Don’t forget, folks – you can watch our show tonight Live streaming on my Youtube channel. Link in my BIO – I think !!! Also on QUEEN youtube channel.

Thanks Stef and Tsveti – — Bratislava Bri

Starmus Earth by

If there is such a thing as Death by Eating Too Much Asparagus, that’s probably the way I’m gonna go. It’s particularly fabulous in Bratislava in this lovely hotel !!!

Asparagus - mono

Asparagus - Parallel
Asparagus - cross-eyed

Cheers all !
