I wish I had an ounce of energy left to really chronicle today’s events. It would make a whole book. Some of the most amazing hours of my life.
A steep learning curve. I will try to put it all down later.
But for now … I’ll just put some pictures in here … snapshots of moments of this unforgettable week.
On the day of the announcement of the postponement of the badger cull. I watched Paterson from a ‘backstage’ seat in the Chamber. Feeling this was a life-changing moment.
Here I am on the green about to do one of about one dozen interviews that day. Somewhere around this moment I finally killed my knee.
Could not walk by the time I got home. Wish I had a picture of the John Snow programme, when Paterson refused to debate live with me on TV. I said my piece, then sat beside the interviewer while she interviewed him. I could have interrupted any time. But I chose not to. I just watched his face change from pink to red.
But this was Newsnight …. the Jeremy Paxman programme. Expecting a hostile encounter, I found Peter Kendall to be honest, decent and entirely likeable. Sometimes you just know when you meet someone that no matter how your viewpoint may differ, you will always feel respect. I have great hopes that we can find common ground and open a new door for farmers. I’ve felt that for a long time … but now I feel there is a new hope. I’d die happy if, together, we managed to bring peace to the countryside – for domestic animals, wild animals, and … people. Our children, and our grandchildren – all of them – deserve that. I have actually hated this ‘war’.
Do we look phased ? Glazed ? This was after the TV show. Live. It had been a VERY long day.
Photos by Anne Brummer and Bri.
No pictures of the debate. They take your phones and cameras off you. But I guess it is on TV.
But this is close … endless padding up and down ancient corridors …

Then after the vote … (thank you God !)

Yes – that is a Houses of Parliament Gift-shop tie !
(no admission to chamber without tie)
Yes, that is the first Guinness of the day.
Once again thank you all – out there – who made this happen.
It felt like David and Goliath in there. The forces against us still look invincible.
but David had a passionate army behind him. So do we.
Goodnight from Team Badger.
© brianmay.com