I was actually amazed the Vet was allowed to shout me down when he’d had an uninterrupted say. But bullies always shoot themselves in foot. If anyone out there has a shred of doubt about badger culling please check the BACVI Website – Badger AND Cattle Vaccination Initiative.
Well Phil ! (fellow panelist Phil Latham) That was hardly worth either of us getting up at 5am for! I’d still like to sit down quietly and talk.
[Later] I’m about to do 9.30am News in a moment. Let’s see if I get shouted down there – It’s a great way to spend a morning !
NFU say CRUELTY to badgers caused by protestors who distracted shooters ha ! Insane !! Ha. NFU just said on BBC Radio 4 Today that slow badger deaths caused by protestor”. Hilarious actually. Desperate lies.

Gun for hire ! No badgers in Isle of Man yet they still have Btb.
WATCH Brian May in discussion on leaked DEFRA Badger Cull report – BBC Breakfast 28 Feb 2014
– http://brianmay.com/brian/briannews/briannewsfeb14.html#56
I’m still reeling from hearing a Vet tell us perturbation is caused by protesters. In the face of ignorance like that … What hope ? I’ve heard it all now. Protesters cause perturbation in badger culls – says farming vet on TV ! And NFU says they cause inhumaneness too !
Please keep tweeting [messaging] all day guys about the IEP’s verdict on badger culls: INHUMANE and INEFFECTIVE. Tell Cameron It’s Time to VACCINATE.
Believe me, I’m not rejoicing at the IEP report. It confirms this Government is waging a cruel and merciless war on wildlife. Shameful.
Please visit the BACVI WEBSITE. – http://www.bacvi.co.uk – Conquering bTB by culling badgers is the fantasy – fading fast.
Further thoughts:
The Pilot Badger culls failed miserably but the Government is culling more counties this Summer. IT IS NOT OVER. As of now Government are planning to kill badgers in three more counties this year. Bri will we stand by and let that happen?
If everyone just ate LESS meat, the benefit to the planet would be enormous. Not mention benefit to health. I think we all just need to go as far along the line as we feel comfortable going. Yes I think a meat free month is a good idea – just by individual choice – or even just meat-free Mondays !
I believe experimenting on animals is no longer justifiable.
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