I’ve been tweeting about Caroline Lucas. I went to support her book launch.
This is a book we all have to read and then give to a friend in the next few days. It will tell you better than I can WHY we need common decency. IT describes the pathetic posturing of MP’s that vote on matters they know nothing about, following party lines and ignoring the constituents who put them in there. AND MUCH MORE !
It will make you so angry you will HAVE to join Common Decency to make sure the old-style time wasting career politicians are kicked out this time. We need MP’s like Ms Lucas. There are good decent candidates in every party, but they are not in the majority. Help us make the next parliament one which has enough decent souls in it to have the courage to reform the system from top to bottom and give us back our voice.
Supporting the amazing warrior Caroline Lucas at her book launch tonight. And making our first Common Decency award.
Caroline Lucas signs her explosive book, which tells the truth about Parliament. Seriously, read it and weep !
Yes, in deference to a great MP I had a green CD badge on today. But remember we’re colour-blind. It’s all about decent people.
This is me today.
Happy eclipse-watching. But go safe. And tell a friend about Common Decency today – OK ?
Love this. Perfect. Think about it, folks ! Jump ! May 7th. But don’t forget to tell everyone else to Jump too.
© brianmay.com