Burning the midnight oil – Brilliant device and Jacaranda


Burning the midnight oil working through these colour proofs of our moon mission book. It’s very exciting! I feel very lucky. And tomorrow, two complete run-throughs of our new Queen and Adam Lambert show in Production mode. Better get some sleep!

Mission Moon
Mission Moon

This was my greeting on rehearsal stage today !! These bad boys (Pete Malandrone and Nigel Knight) have cooked up two new innovations for me in this tour. One is a device which makes me sound even more like Brian May in the Bo Rap solo and a few other moments ! And the other …

Bad Boys - Pete Malandrone and Nigel Knight - stereo
Bad Boys – Pete Malandrone and Nigel Knight – stereo

And this is the other brilliant device. It’s always been hard for me since rock guitar rigs necessarily became more and more sensitive to keep control of the quiet delicate parts – like Under Pressure. Or Who Wants to Live Forever. Or notably with Kerry Ellis on No-One But You. The volume control becomes more or less an on-off switch. Nigel has delivered this double ganged potentiometer with ballast, to replace my current volume control, which gives me a smooth curve from very quiet to maximum volume. It’s going to make a huge difference to me on stage, and definitely make me more melodic! Thanks guys! Now it’s time to rock!

Brilliant Potentiometer
Brilliant Potentiometer

Jacaranda blossom. Good morning !

Fallen Jacaranda petals
Fallen Jacaranda petals

Jacaranda ! Now off to work ! Happy Wednesday, folks !

Jacaranda tree
Jacaranda tree


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