Mars rising over the ocean in beautiful Devon dark skies. Love the tranquility here. Ready for a very crucial day tomorrow at the farm. Excited to be on this voyage of discovery – to determine what measures really WILL solve the tangled problem of Bovine TB.

Good Morning Devon ! Beautiful sunrise on this landscape which I have loved for over half a century. Exciting work to do today, as we review the new TB strategy evolving on our project farm, which we believe will eventually bring about the eradication of this very cunning enemy. The result will be huge benefits to beleaguered farmers, vulnerable cows, and the badgers who have been held responsible for its spread.

And a rather hurried stereo. Good Morning folks !

OK ! Here I am !

On the job with the stars of this show … Gatcombe farm, South Devon. The new TB eradication strategy.

Home sweet home ! Back in the smoke ! But London, despoiled as it is, can still stir your heart a little.
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