For all new stereo pals and anyone who is interested in pursuing 3-D on Instagram and in their daily lives … here’s a brief tutorial from an experienced pal, which I think will be very useful to explain some of the techniques. Let me know how you find it ! OK ?
Understanding and Controlling the Stereo Window
By David W. Kuntz –

It’s Philomena ! The three-legged last Hedgehog. She’s doing well. Thanks so much for all your great well-wishing messages for her. She’s on a good regime of pain-killers, is eating, and seems calm and interested in the world again.
This is one of the reasons my love for Apple is turning to hatred. Now we’re forced into using these damn USB-C connectors for everything. It means we have to carry around a bagful of pesky adaptors, we have to throw away ALL our old charging leads, and spend tons of money on new ones, and if something tugs in the wire it does NOT harmlessly fall out like the Mag-Safe plugs we all got so used to (genius). And if one of these things is plugged into the left hand side and we roll the computer to the left to insert in into the right hand side – THIS happens. A bent USB-C connector which is instantly useless. So we spend more and more money replacing the horrible things. I recently also found out how little Apple Help cares if you run into problems – all they want to do is sell you more stuff. All in all – Apple has become an an entirely selfish monster. But they have us enslaved. It’s hard to find a way out. Anybody out there have the same feeling ?