Hedgehog Day ! – Nobody should be buying a dog – I’m with you Caroline, Joe, Chuka and Sarah


Hedgehog Day ! Today we’re hoping to give our friend Phil the hedgehog a better chance at a healthy life. And we’re filming the op as part of our “Saving Britain’s Hedgehogs” TV mini series. To be aired end of April 2019 on Channel 5.

Brian May: “Hedgehog day !” [Filming operation today 20/11/18]
–  https://youtu.be/OtohxmFsAZQ

Looking jolly – the hedgehog team – but this won’t be an easy one. Anne Brummer – CEO of Save-Me and founder of the Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue, me, and Tom who will perform the operation.

Hedgehog Operation - the Team

And here is the patient. Phil is really healthy in every way except his badly damaged leg is not healing. So Tom will remove the remains of this leg, and Phil will hopefully have a chance of a long and happy life. Fingers crossed. 

Here is the patient

Phil is now asleep – under the anaesthetic – and – guess what ? We discovered Phil is Philomena ! Bless her ! We had no alternative, really, to this procedure. Left with a non-healing leg, she would never have been out of discomfort, and how sad it would be to put her to sleep – to extinguish the life of a creature otherwise in such good health. But this is risky – the team noticed Phil’s breathing started to fail – and Tom did some rescue massage. Fantastic caring team here. Fingers crossed. 

Phil the hedgehog asleep

The operation proper now. It’s stressful for us – never mind the surgeon ! But he stays cool – and tells us how he is carefully removing the infected leg. I’ll spare you the detailed view ! But Phil is sleeping soundly through it all. And breathing OK now. Fingers crossed.

Hedgehog operation proper

A tender moment – surgery nearly done – but she’s having trouble breathing again. So adjusting the level of anaesthetic and massaging her tiny lungs … I didn’t realise this was gong to be so traumatic.

Hedgehog operation - tender moment

GOOD NEWS ! Phil is awake ! And seems good !! Bless her !! Hogs rule !

Hedgehog operation - awake

It’s off ! And Tom is stitching the wound closed, with a lot of pain-killers inside. Phew ! And Phil is still breathing – and a strong heartbeat. 

Hedgehog operation - it's off

Nearly there !

Hedgehog operation - nearly there

She’s through ! Hurrah !

Hedgehog operation - she's through

Phil the three legged hedgehog – now snuggled up in recovery. Back home this afternoon for TLC. Thank you God !! And huge thank you to the amazing Tom and his wonderful team at Lyndon Veterinary Group. WATCH CHANNEL 5 next April to see this whole operation – on SAVING BRITAIN’S HEDGEHOGS !!! 

Hedgehog operation - in recovery

Philomena ! Through the op ! Now breathing just oxygen through her tiny mask. All is cool. But she lost some body heat so she needs to recover her warmth now. WATCH CHANNEL 5 next April to see this whole operation – on SAVING BRITAIN’S HEDGEHOGS !!! 

Hedgehog operation - breathing oxygen through tiny mask

Self explanatory. NOBODY should be buying a dog.

Foster a rescue dog at Christmas

I’m with you, Caroline, Jo, Chuka and Sarah. DO IT ! Put a swift end to this BREXIT madness.

MPs Letter


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