Comet 46P (Wirtanen) in a stereo view – created using the real movement of the comet against the star background over a few minutes to make the parallax we need, to make the comet appear to stand out in space. Please free-view (parallel) and enjoy ! If you free-view cross-eyed, the comet will appear to float BEHIND a veil of stars. Which is probably equally enjoyable !
AstroPhotography by @jamiecooperphotography @coopscamera on Twitter. No filter on this one – that green tinge is real.
THANKS for my bery beautiful happi coat ! And … Dear Japanese fans and friends – THANKS for going NUTS over our film. How wonderful that it has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan. It’s a dream come true. Thank you for your wonderful belief and support over the years. Teo Torriate !!!
With love