Me and Zoe Ball – Kerry Birthday – Saving Britain’s Hedgehogs


Ha ha ha ! Me and Zoë Ball this morning on Radio 2 – having an intense discussion !!! Thanks Young Birthday Girl, Kerry Ellis !!! And thanks Zoe Ball.


On the Telly this evening ! 8 O’clock Channel 5. With Anne Brummer and Steve Backshall – “SAVING BRITAIN’S HEDGEHOGS”. Let me know what you think, pals.



Watching "Saving Britain's Hedgehogs"

Ha ! Hedgehogs on TV ! And us ! Ouch ! It’s always embarrassing watching yourself on Telly ! But hopefully@this got some good messages across … Did we do OK ? Thanks Channel 5 ! Thanks Steve Backshall – Thanks Anne Brummer, . Episode 2 is same next week.

Anne and Bri watching "Saving Britain's Hedgehogs"

