So that’s a 6 o’clock start for me !


Brian to be on Zoe Ball Show BBC R2 9/12/22

So that’s a 6 O’clock start for me ! Ha ! Looking forward to seeing Zoe ! And if you’re up —- see you there !!

Brian May: If you’re around tomorrow [9 Dec]- video by Pirate Pete – 08/12/2022)

If you’re around ….. See you there ! Tomorrow lunch time at our own fabulous STEREOSCOPIC SHOP and exhibition at the Proud Galleries, Charing Cross, London, England ! Vid by Pirate Pete. Rock !

TOMORROW (Fri 9 Dec) !!!

"Stereoscopy Is Good For You" Book Signing


More signing !!! Come see me tomorrow and secure a personally signed perfect Christmas gift to yourself !! I’m pretty-signing a bunch of bookplates today, to try to ensure nobody goes away empty handed – even if I peg out !!! And while you’re waiting I’m@hoping you’ll take the opportunity to view some of the fantastic stereos in our exhibition.

Cheers ! Bri X