International Women’s Day – Gold-Plated BM Sixpences


In honour of International Women’s Day – WOMAN – and Bri – a track that is still very close to my heart. Here with new edit by my genius friend Bob Whitehill from Pixar – it’s a tribute to what Women do every day all over the world – bouncing off the excellent tongue-in-cheek lyrics of this song – and giving the track another layer of meaning.

Here’s to the Eternal Spirit of women everywhere Bob Whitehill, Mazz Murray, Gina Muray, Kerry Ellis, AnnaJane Casey. Woman The Band.

I’m A Woman remix – 09/03/2021

Gold (plated !) BM sixpences ! Remember these ? A few months ago we sold out of this limited edition very fast and I felt bad you guys didn’t get a chance for a look-in. Well, I promised I’d see what we could do and… guess what ? ! We now have just a few more ! So I want you folks to have first shot. At 10 pm tonight, Tuesday, London time, this new batch will clickable ! LINK

– and if all goes well, at 10pm it should take you to the right place to purchase one of these little gems. I’m holding on to one this time myself !

Gold-plated sizpence front

Gold-plated sixpence back

Gold-plated sixpence in case

Cheers all !
