It cannot be.
I’m so sad.
RIP Dusty Hill.
Source unknown – shared from Instagram—
Hi Folks
– and I salute you wonderful new recruits to the Bri Army (we are now 10,000 strong – I can hardly believe it !!!) here’s a snippet. 24 hours from now this 3rd “Instant Grat” track will go up in full on my YouTube channel. This is all new to me … but the way it works is that if you pre-order the album now, you don’t have to wait for this track, plus the other two which have already appeared on YouTube. At the end of all this, after the launch on August 6, I will be heading into revealing the final video, which is NEW, and has some big surprises in it.
This video for TOO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU was made at the time of the release of the track 29 years ago, but it has now had a nice bit of uprezzing and a polish, so it will be the first time that anybody has seen this shiny new version, tomorrow night at midnight UK time.
Here it is !! Do me a favour and pre-order 10 copies NOW, so you won’t fall short ! Ha ha ! Thanks Talia (my soon-to-be BRI-TV Presenter – yeeeeow !) And thanks Gav for this panel. Onwards, dear Bri Army pals.
Just foolin’ – cos I like this graphic so much. Thanks Tracyannsee. Resurrection is a gonna come !