Out of the Dark – Early Happy 75th Freddie

Back to the Light - Time Traveller
Back to the Light – Time Traveller © Brian May

Out of the Dark … the first leaked still frame from my brand new, just finished, video film for Back to the Light – Time Traveller. Just for you, dear folks of the Bri Army ! Soon to be revealed in its entirety – premiering on … BRI-TV !!! Details very soon. But please save the date – next BriDay ! “Sorry ? When ?” Next Friday of course !!

Happy Birthday Freddie

Enjoy this tour of Freddie’s incarnations and moods through the eyes of extraordinary artist NENU ARTS – one of the most visionary artists we’re lucky to have in our Instagram community. I’m sometimes accused of favouritism. Do I have favourites ? Damn right I do !!! I’m sure you do too. So here is a nod to one of my absolute favourites. And – my favourite of his portraits of my Favourite singer ? Well, you will see at the end of this clip. I feel like I’m looking into Freddie’s eyes.

Early Happy 75th, dear pal.
