Yes !! A bit of BRI-TV TOMORROW ! Probably starting around noon London time.
But the main talk begins at 7 pm. Launching our AMAZING book – that’s been in preparation for most of the last two years. BENNU 3-D – Anatomy of an Asteroid !!!
Join me !!! Cheers ! Bri
Yes !!! Join me here on IG around 12 noon British Summer Time – for my trip to the Natural History Museum to launch BENNU 3-D !!! The anatomy of a near-Earth Asteroid. This Rock Pile – about half a km in diameter – is the most likely to impact Planet Earth – in only a couple of hundred years time – a mere instant on a cosmological scale. Hear all about it tomorrow !!! From Professor Sarah Russell of the NHM, professor Dante Lauretta of the University of Arizona, and myself ! The TALK actually starts at 7.30 pm.
Cheers all – Bri
Ha ha Ha ! How brilliant is this !!! Had to share – thanks Mary F,
