Sell sell sell !!! 😊 Happy to say our BENNU 3-D book is now zooming up the charts – the successful Sample Return operation having been the best publicity for it !! But I wanted to give you guys an early alert that the Deluxe Edition is now ready for pre-order. They’re strictly limited in supply and they’re not cheap, because they’re all hand-made by one amazing chap who brings those ancient magical traditional bookbinding skills to bear. They’re really lovely, all gold-embossed etc. And personally signed by me and Prof Dante Lauretta – the Principal Investigator of the mission to BENNU. If you’re interested in either the deluxe edition or the regular (which is still pretty cool!) LondonStereo shop link HERE 🙂
Cheers all – back to QUEEN and Adam rehearsals now for me. Final day ! We head off to Baltimore on Friday for a 7 week Old School Assault on the eardrums of you lovely folks in the USA ! Look out !!!