Hi Folks,
This is a heads up. Today [24 September] is the day the long awaited day when the sample of a piece of material from Bennu the asteroid most likely to hit the Earth in the future, is recovered to Earth.
This box when it is opened of material from the surface of Bennu can tell us untold secrets of the origins of the Universe, the origins of our planet, and the origins of life itself.
On an incredibly exciting day, tune into NASA TV, go to the Osiris website, buy this incredible book, and enjoy this wonderful forward step in our knowledge of the Universe.
– https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2Xd7XKrChEw
And the Sample Return Capsule finally comes to rest back home on Earth. Sitting very alone in the middle of the Utah desert, its surface charred from its fiery transit through the atmosphere, it looks like a lost pet about to be joyfully reunited with its guardian. But now, after a round trip of more than a billion miles, it holds in its belly the precious stones and dust it was sent to collect from asteroid BENNU. An amazing feat by the whole OSIRIS REx team.
Stereos parallel and cross-eyed – created today by Claudia Manzoni from the live transmitted data on NASA TV. Notice the parachute lying nearby – its job well done.
