A pre-recorded interview with Alan Edwards Radio Clyde 2 was broadcast 15 Apr 2017
Subjects covered: “Golden Days” album, their 15 year collaboration, Kerry’s next plans, Queen Monopoly and Brian’s forthcoming “Queen In 3-D” book.
Brian and Kerry Golden Days interview Radio Clyde 2
– https://youtu.be/fkQUlnspI74
KERRY ELLIS: Hello. ALAN: It’s nice to see you all together, because we have spoken separately on a couple of occasions and now here we are together and here you are together and a partnership that’s been successful now for about 15 years, is that right?
BRIAN MAY: It’s been a while, yeah indeed, ever since “We Will Rock You” started that’s where we met.
ALAN: Now, Kerry you were doing a West End show and then you met with Brian and he was the one who encouraged you to go and try for a place in “We Will Rock You” and that’s how it all sort of came to be.
KERRY: Yeah pretty much I mean I was doing a show that was completely different. I was doing “My Fair Lady” and Brian asked me to audition for “We Will Rock You”, which I did, and yeah 15 years later we’ve got albums and then on tour we’ve done all sorts of performances. It’s been incredible really.
ALAN: It seems mad that we sit here talking about you know brand new album and all that history has happened where do you think the secret lies in such a successful partnership?
Continued…. (see video)