News TG3 special “TG Persone” from the Italian national TV channel RAI 3 aired a new interview with luthier, Corrado Carpinteri from Sicily. He produces his own Red Special replica since 2012 though he’s not a guitarist at all. He is a young man that made a job for life from his passion, inspired by his hero: Brian May from Queen:
«Brian took only three days to reply the first time I wrote him. I told Brian that I’d had loved to build a special guitar personally for him. Being a real Gentleman, he wanted to pay for my work, but anyway he’s the reason why I am doing what I do now, since he’s my hero and inspiration, so it ought to be a present. When the guitar was delivered to his place, he wrote me back to say how happy he was and he loved my guitar. Attached to his email there was a picture of him with my guitar. That was a dream come true for me, since it was my dream in life for such a long time.
I admit I don’t play guitar, but that was the reason why I started working in making guitars: I used to study from 8am up 5pm and then working in my lab from 5pm until 8pm. The first guitar I had built was not that good, but I took the best out of it and made money to fund my next one. And so on… Until I became as good as I am now; I get very positive feedback from professional guitarists all around.
The folks in my village were skeptical to my passion at the beginning, so I felt I had to go on, working very hard to win against everyone and everything, and make my dream come true».
With thanks to Claudio Tassone for the news item.