I am still reeling from yesterday’s event …
I had no idea that the very first WILDLIFE ROCKS festival would gather such enormous momentum.
The response, in the packed Guildford Cathedral, and in the surrounding areas which were filled with buzzing stalls, music, animals, and activities … was just wonderful.
My huge thanks to everyone who supported us. I feel we really have achieved a milestone. For the first time all the major animal charities and campaigns were represented in one place, with one great positive message. It’s a wonderful tribute to the energies and skills of Anne Brummer, my amazing CEO !
We are already making plans to expand for next year, and we hope this will become a major rallying point for the British to show their respect and love for our wild animals. I’m sure we’ll be writing much more about this in the days to come … but here’s just one snap from Pat Williams, of the Badger Trust, who painted this wonderful picture of a heroic badger. We will be seeing more of him. He’s inspired a whole new wave of campaigning. As Gavin Grant, new president of the RSPCA, said in his stirring address, we are all backing an initiative which will kick in in mid-September, to mobilise Britain to kill this bloody Badger Cull, currently scheduled to begin as soon as the Olympics are over. I don’t think the Government realises the passion and force of what is about to happen.
More soon !
Cheers !

. It is the official documentation for Brian’s Vice Presidency. [CLICK IMAGE FOR LARGER]
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