Boxing Day fox hunters


Sae Me - Help us kill fox hunting

Boxing Day has in the past been a hideous blood bath, with Fox Hunters tearing around the UK countryside with packs of dogs, ripping Britain’s red foxes apart limb from limb. It was called ‘sport’. The fact that it was ‘traditional’ along with the claim that it was an ‘essential part of country life’ was never a convincing defence of this indefensible activity – torturing and killing wild animals for enjoyment. A determined sustained effort by compassionate campaigners put the Hunting Act in place in 2004, which made fox hunting with dogs illegal, along with other blood sports. Since then, the bloody Old Guard of Hunting, determined to keep on with their vile activities, invented the term “Trail Hunting” – to pretend that what they were now doing was getting their dogs to follow an artificial trail – and cease the killing.

But this year top level members of the Fox-Hunting community were caught instructing their members on how to break the law and get away with it. We all knew this for years – that they were still training the hounds with real fox scent, so they would still kill foxes “by accident” – and that their claims of ‘controlling’ these ‘pests’ were completely bogus because they were actually rearing baby foxes for the purpose of being tortured to death by the hunts.

So now it’s all in the open. They have been publicly shown to be liars as well as brutes. But the inhuman oicks are still trying it on. And they have influential friends.

This story in the Daily Telegraph – shockingly – actively incites people to break the law. It’s written by Charles Moore – who actually sits in the House of Lords, and should know better than to publish material designed to encourage illegal activity. Shame on you, Charles Moore, and shame on the Daily Telegraph. I’ll revisit this subject in the coming days, and discuss how we, the public, can drive the last nails into the coffin of Fox Hunting. It’s high time.

Telegraph - Traditional Boxing Day Hunts

Telegraph - Traditional Boxing Day Hunts

Meanwhile … please click now on SAVE-ME LINK. There you can support our petition to close the legal loopholes and make this disgusting ‘sport’ history, once and for all.

Thanks !
