Hi Folks! (Pre-Christmas FC Newsletter)


[written before the sad death of Sir Patrick Moore]

Just a quicky, while my knee is recovering from my key-hole surgery! I have been battling constant pain in the knee for over a year, and already today I feel like a miracle happened! No pain! So I am hot to trot. Hope you’re all well out there and looking forward to C…..mas! That dreaded word! ha ha.

I have been very busy as some of you will have seen. I had a great few dates out there with Kerry, for Born Free – and lots of us met out there! I really appreciate the support. It was a very different kind of touring experience – very warm and intimate…. by candlelight! and luckily for me I was sitting down most of the time, or I would not have been able to do it!

Roger and I meet often, to keep in touch with all the various Queen projects that are in progress – and there are lots! We have a new WWRY tour which will start in the UK, travel to Europe, and then head out to VERY exotic climes. That’s exciting – and I hope to be able to catch up with this great new team on the way. We are also finally pressing the button on that USA WWRY tour! Amazing. It will sit down in NYC for a while too! WWRY London goes from strength to strength, and we’re very proud to be rockin’ in the Dominion in our 11th year, probably stronger than ever!

The Freddie Film is progressing well. Currently the schedule is to shoot it in Spring in the New Year – and release it early 2014.

I have a new box of Stereo Cards just out… DIABLERIES! The first of many… and a precursor to the next book “DIABLERIES – Stereoscopic ADVENTURES IN HELL!” I think you will enjoy! The current release is the second book I’ve written with Patrick Moore and Chris Lintott. Patrick is (*)a bit poorly right now so we all wish him strength. Hopefully he will recover in time for his 90th birthday and more books!

Thanks again to all of you who have been so supportive of our quest to save the Badgers. It is a grim war, and we certainly have not won it yet. So please stay with us. Once those badger families are brutally destroyed, there will be no way back. And on that note….!!! Well, have a great Christmas … and keep rockin into a great New Year!

Cheers all – Bri XXX

With acknowledgement to the Queen Fan Club – please support HERE.

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