Wanna get SERIOUSLY into photography ? LOOK ! This is a great opportunity. Think about it.
PHRC De Montfort: The Photographic History MA Programme now accepts applications for 2017/18 http://bit.ly/2oRebw5
Hi Folks
I’m just gonna talk to you people at DMU and around DMU about why we crazy people love photography so much.
I’m just about to publish this book, which is “Queen in 3-D”, a collection of stereoscopic pictures, which I took over the last 40 years, at least and people who’ve seen this say “My God we feel like we’re there. We feel like we can experience this history with you”, and of course that’s what photography is about. So much of photography is about capturing the moment. There’s more to it than that, but for many of us, we capture those moments when our kids are first born, when they first take their steps. We capture our parents who are long gone now, perhaps. You know, we find a picture that may be faded but still shows our Mum or Dad the way we remember them.
And photography is a way of capturing moments but also because there’s so much you can say through a photograph.
So those of us who treasure these things still, and they still exist in the digital domain as well as the analog, think it’s worth taking time to pause and learn how to actually take photographs. I was going to say “stereo photographs” because that’s my passion, but all kinds of photographs, all kinds of representations of life as it is around us.
Photography for me is for the eyes what music is to the ears. It’s something to be treasured and studied and enjoyed, and put somewhere safe so that we have it all through our lives and can pass it onto our children.
That’s why we love photography.
– https://youtu.be/YdUT_BrlW-E
Dr Brian May, friend of the Photographic History MA programme at De Montfort University, discusses his passion for photographic history following the publication of his new book “Queen in 3D”.
Please visit Photographic History MA to find out more about your course of interest: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/photographichistory
The perfect way to find out more about DMU is to attend one of the postgraduate open evenings or events that take place all year round: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/pgopendays
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