Waiting to be adopted – and – Farewell Aberdeen


Look ! This says it all. Some people still don’t get it. Dogs being treated as a commodity. And cats too. Sold in shops or in the Internet. With no regard for their welfare beyond what is necessary to keep this shameful trade going. Puppy farms where dogs (and cats) suffer their whole lives as slaves kept alive only for breeding. IT WILL END SOON. And not a moment too soon. And in the meantime – NEVER buy a dog or a cat – RESCUE an abandoned creature and give it a loving home. There are so many waiting to be adopted.

Country Life - Buying A Dog? 8 August 2018

Farewell Aberdeen University – thanks for hosting us. Here we see me, the Prof, and Nicole Ettinger, our excellent publicist, on the green outside Kings College Chapel. Great job !

Farewell Aberdeen Uni - Bri Nicole Ettinger and Prof Taylor
Brian May, Nicole Ettinger and Prof Roger Taylor – Photo by Sara Bricusse

And now for something completely different …

Bri at Fox - Something completely different

I am Groot. Groot.

I am Groot

We are Groot.

I am Groot - stereo


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