We walked on the Moon today !!! Well, it sure felt like we did. Amazing !!!
Lunatick – a Virtual Reality Experience in the Strand – is a breathtaking trip. Masterminded by this man, Jacob De Geer, and designed by Antony Gormley and Dr Priyamvada Natarajan, this is an amazing 20 minute ride.

Most of the time you can control your own movements in the virtual landscapes, including bouncing around on the Moon’s surface and climbing up crater walls ! Sadly this showing closes today at 6pm – wish I had discovered it earlier. But watch out for its return and other VR presentations by Acute Art.
Thanks for a great time ! Hopefully we will collaborate soon!
Just imagine ! Some day in the future, a honeymoon snap might look like this ! Thanks Isabela Herig for guiding me and my grandson on this wonderful trip.

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