Published in hardback by Carlton, 17th October 2012, £25.00
Join three of the world’s best-known astronomers on a journey
throughout the universe, stopping off at their favourite sights!
Take your seats for the greatest tour ever – one that encompasses no less than the whole of the Universe. En route, we stop off to gaze at 100 amazing sights – from asteroids to zodiacal dust and from orbit around the Earth to beyond the most distant galaxies. We start right here on Earth, with your tour guides: the three intrepid cosmic voyagers Patrick Moore, Brian May and Chris Lintott. They explain the sights, what they are, and how they fit into the astronomical zoo of familiar and curious objects and phenomena. The trio express their own personal enthusiasm for each marvel you encounter. The images present the extraordinary beauty of the Universe as seen through the eyes of the biggest and best telescopes on Earth and in space, and occasionally in the backyards of expert amateur observers.
Featured sights include earth, the moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Asteroid belts, Zodiacal Dust, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Transneptunians, Alpha centauri, Betelgeux, the centre of Milky Way, the edge of the Universe….and many more wonderful destinations far beyond your reach. The astronomers even teach you how to view the Universe for yourself.
The authors are available for interview:
Sir Patrick Moore is the world’s most famous astronomer, author of more than 100 books, and presenter of the world’s longest running TV programme, BBC’s “The Sky at Night”. He was the first man in the modern era to introduce astronomy to a mass audience. He has also assisted NASA with lunar cartography.
Brian May, although best known to the world as the lead guitarist of supergroup Queen, recently completed the PhD in astrophysics, which he abandoned when Queen first started to find fame. He is now an expert in astronomy.
Chris Lintott is best-known as the co-presenter, with Patrick, of “The Sky at Night”. He took his first degree in Physics at Cambridge, then his PhD in Astrophysics at University College London, and is now doing further research at Oxford.
Bang!, by the same authors, has sold over 100,000 copies, in thirteen languages,
and in three editions, since first publication in 2006
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