2-minute interview with Rock God Brian May


A two minute interview with Rock God Brian May!

Martin Mobberley:

This video was filmed by myself, on the beach at Curacao in the Caribbean, on 1998 February 26, just before the start of a Total Solar Eclipse. I was interviewing lots of amateur astronomers to produce a video for Guy Hurst’s magazine ‘The Astronomer’, which had a circulation of about 300 amongst the most dedicated UK amateurs. I wasn’t sure if Brian would want yet another camera pointed at him, but he was more than happy to appear on the tape! Apologies for the wind noise…it was very breezy. Quite why I couldn’t work out that Brian’s Baja eclipse seven years earlier was the same one as my cloudy Hawaii eclipse I don’t know! I guess I was in shock at Brian agreeing to be interviewed! An hour or two later we observed totality in clear skies. Patrick was on a cruise ship a few miles north of our beach observing site and he saw it too….. It would be Patrick’s last clear totality….