Supporting the good guys in the Tory ranks


It was a great evening (at The Dominion Theatre, 29 June)

A supportive reception for those brave men and women in the Conservative Party who are brave enough to resist the pressure from the present Tory leadership to support the vile and cowardly practice of Fox Hunting. These people are not half-hearted … they are just as devoted to the welfare of animals as we are. And for them it’s a hard place to be. So we had a chat and enjoyed each others’ company, and got to know each other as Human Beings. Then we rocked ! We Will Rock You never fails to bring smiles to faces of all ages. It makes me proud. This is part of a series of evenings we hope to organise, to reinforce the confidence of a number of growing bands of people who are determined to change the way we, the British, treat the creatures with whom we share this planet.


Group photo - Brian, MPs and guests
(l to r) Tommy Saunders, Elise Saunders, Conservative Councillor, Anne Brummer Founder of Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue Centre, Robbie Marsland UK Direcor of IFAW, Simon Kirby Conservative MP, John Cooper QC, Josie Harrad IFAW, Jennifer Platt Co Founder of Conservatives Against Fox Hunting, Mike Weatherley Conservative MP, Lorraine Platt Co Founder of Conservatives Against Fox Hunting, Brian May, David Amess Conservative MP, Barbara Gardner RSPCA Trustee and Treasurer, Dr Richard Ryder retired Chairman of the RSPCA,  now a RSPCA Trustee, Ellie Mutch and Florence and Sarah Amess
Lorraine Platt, Brian May and MPs
(l to r) Simon Kirby MP, Mike Weatherley MP, Brian May, Lorraine Platt, Co Founder of Conservatives Against Fox Hunting and David Amess MP