Well, we planted a seed here in Cape Town tonight. It was small gig, in a very funky corrugated iron ‘shed’!
But all the people there were dedicated to making this initiative work.
It’s the Pride of Cape Town project.
I will publish more details soon, but I refer you again to Kerry’s website, and to Queen on Line,who have a nice little trailer we made today.
Here we are (in stereo of course) doing the photocall for the official launch at Law Hill in Cape Town today.
These fibreglass lions will be appearing all around the city of Cape Town in the next few months, sponsored by various businesses, and with many artists contributing to the decorative designs – each one with a separate message. In May 2013 they will all be auctioned to benefit BORN FREE, and they will have done their job in raising awareness of the terrible threat the surviving Big Cats of the world are facing.
The lion we are posing with here was sponsored by Roibush Tea. And the one just visible to the left has been adopted by South Africa Airlines.
We did a lot of interviews of various kinds, and Kerry is showing a new talent. She is becoming very eloquent as a spokesperson for Animals. She also did some great singing tonight.
Just as a post-script. Here is another of the rescued REAL lions of Shamwari – this lovely boy (yawning here!) is called Sinbad. His history is one of the saddest you could imagine – chained up and abused for years … but now he is in a safe and beautiful place – thanks to the brilliant work of Born Free.
© brianmay.com