Concert Confetti – Close to closing IG – More Tuesday notes


In response to numerous recent enquiries about potential plastic pollution, I can officially confirm our confetti is PAPER !!!

Bri - in shower of ticker tape
Bri – in shower of ticker tape

Came very close to closing down my IG account today. Why ? A highly graphic advert for fishing tackle appeared on my screen. Of course I reported it as offensive, but I doubt if that will have any effect. Stronger action is needed. If IG is going the way I think it is, I will be gone soon. Am I alone ? Over-reacting ? Or do you feel the same, out there ?

Bri – Clouds and IG comments

And the name of Charles Wheatstone shall be heard !!

LSC - Charles Wheatstone will be heard
LSC – Charles Wheatstone will be heard

Happy Days ! Rami rocks !

Happy Days - Bri, Rami and Roger
Happy Days – Bri, Rami and Roger

Fox Pride !

Fox Pride
Barcelona sunset – City of Drama ! 
Barcelona sunset
Barcelona sunset

Oh ! It seems some folks misunderstood my little joke. So, just to be clear, if there is such a thing as a perfect bass player, NEIL FAIRCLOUGH for sure is IT ! I would be mortified to think that anyone thought I felt otherwise. He knows Queen better than I do ! Sincere apologies for any misunderstandings, and I hope this is now fixed.

