Yay ! Cologne ! Famous for its odour (as my German teacher used to say !) though I’m slightly reluctant to make jokes on IG now – in case they get taken the wrong way. Eau de Cologne, anybody ?! Anyways … thanks for your hospitality, dear friends in Köln. I had a day immersed in my paper proofs for the MISSION MOON 3-D book. Wanna see my office ?!

Cologne Cathedral by night. Hyper with a baseline of about 30m. Yep, I know. I always do this. It fascinates me. It never gets old. The depth and structure that a hyperstereo reveals is magic to me. And this is a stupendous arcane creation, striding across the centuries. It will be standing just as magnificent long after I am gone. A tribute from Man to his God. Yep – that’s Old Man’s talk too. Don’t worry – I get it. Respect amongst humans. I just want to see some progress in the area of affording respect to non-human animals.
Madrid stereoscopic selfie stick video is UP !!! Enjoy !! Try free-viewing in 3-D !!
– https://youtu.be/vJOTeVz_Owg (mono)
– https://youtu.be/QcGUFif61sU (3-D)
Hello Herning !!! Ready to do this ?!!!

Bri X
© brianmay.com