Are you folks getting bored with these Bohemian Rhapsody stereos yet ?
Here’s number 5.
This was the very first time Rog and I met Rami. We were instantly taken with his personality and presence, but we had both been bad boys in not watching Rami’s screen test. So the three of us sat down and watched the amazing self-made videos that Rami had created of him ‘doing’ Freddie. (Poor Rami !!) They were so brilliant, we confidently shook hands on it in the moment. That decision has enriched all of our lives immeasurably. How incredibly lucky were we ?!
Total Eclipse of the Moon tonight !
If you’re in the UK and have clear skies, you’re lucky – but totality is around 5am, so it’s a long haul. I imagine it’s gonna be easier in the USA – with the Moon high in the sky at maximum phase. Good luck folks ! This is how it looked a couple of years ago – beautifully captured by Jamie Cooper. This is a collage, showing the maximum phase in the middle, and the appearance roughly an hour each side of maximum on either side.
